Our goals

Our mission is to promote the highest standards in the importation and distribution of ethnic foods, and to support the growth and success of our members’ businesses.


Promote food safety and quality standards: The organization will work with national and international food authorities to promote food safety and quality standards that are appropriate for imported foods, and help importers meet these standards through training and education.


Lobby for reasonable regulatory requirements: The organization will work to ensure that regulatory requirements for imported foods are reasonable and proportionate, based on scientific evidence, and aligned with international standards.


Advocate for fair and transparent trade policies:The organization will advocate for policies that promote fair and transparent trade, such as reducing tariffs and non-tariff barriers, and eliminating discriminatory practices.


Push for streamlined import processes: The organization will push for streamlined import processes that reduce delays and costs, such as implementing electronic import clearance systems and simplifying customs procedures.


Influence funding and grant programs: The organization will lobby for government funding and grant programs that support the importation of high-quality and diverse ethnic foods, and help importers access these resources.


Build relationships with key officials: The organization will establish relationships with key officials in legislative and regulatory bodies to build understanding of the challenges facing the industry, and ensure that the concerns of importers are taken into account in policy decisions.


Provide input on draft regulations: The organization will provide input on draft regulations related to food importation, and advocate for changes if this would improve or serve the interest of industry and consumers.

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